mudança de cultura

Shifting to a culture of achievement and innovation

The business challenge

Our global Not for Profit client was striving to create a culture of achievement and innovation so they could serve their beneficiaries and donors by globally scaling and growing to deliver impact. 

Operating in 25 countries with many of them in third world environments meant it was imperative that this work span the globe and create unification of a global culture. A culture of achievement and innovation was needed to deliver results with accountability and cross divisional collaboration across the world.

To succeed it was key for them to shift their culture from one   of low trust to a culture where people are trusted and empowered; to move from being overly internally focussed to being more externally focussed. Becoming more purposeful, aligned and responsive saw them implement initiatives' that led to outcomes that is now stimulating the next bold transformation where they will strive to exponentially elevate to multiply their impact in global eye health.

Bottom line

End-to-end culture transformation has been the bedrock to transform the growth trajectory of the NFP. The third year delivered one of their strongest programming years serving beneficiaries’; saw highest fundraising year they had ever had; and won external Employer of Choice Award (Public Sector &NFP).

Not-for-profit organisational culture change

Outcomes starting in first 12 months to 3 years

  • Culture aspiration driving behaviour and performance defined and globally communicated.

  • Year on Year consistent improvement in the culture health index with increase of 6% percentile points.

  • Leaders actively and visibly leading and role modelling the transformation through behavioural commitments and ongoing measurements.  All dimensions of leading culture improved double digits.

  • Leaders seen as more open, responsible and accountable by a factor of 7% percentile points.

  • Introduction of a range of new initiatives designed to build trust, encourage greater cross team collaboration and drive greater empowerment whilst seeking to reduce excessive workload and enhance communication up, down and across the organisation.

  • Improvement to “making clear efforts to improve staff well-being and safety” shifted a massive 21%.

  • Employee engagement, an outcome measure of culture, increased 13% points with associated questions improving in the range of 10% to 25% in key focus areas.

  • Individual leaders taking accountability for activating culture within their teams ongoing as a regular part of management process.


  • Target Culture Mapping to create and align a future culture that enabled a new strategy of growth.
  • Culture Diagnostic of current culture through a detailed cultural survey, Culture Blueprint.

  • Creation of a culture road map with Culture Planning that engaged global participation.

  • Activating the culture from within through development of a culture champion network throughout the org to support and encourage the target culture locally and globally.

  • With intentional and consistent leadership development and team coaching through our Lead by Example programs at both the Executive and Senior Leader levels which was supported by internal capability building. Evolved from 1 year to 3 years of transformational leadership development at 3 levels of leadership.

  • Year-on-year tracking of culture shifts through annual deployment of Culture Diagnostic Survey which provided ongoing feedback and demonstrated the positive shifts in culture over time.

Not for profit company culture