Fabio Souza | Culture Transformation




For more than 20 years, Fabio has led great teams as a senior leader in the largest Automotive, Telecommunications and Services companies, such as Toyota and Mercedes-Benz. He worked for 3 years as CEO responsible for a worldwide class Brazilian Telecom start-up. He also has international experience working in Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Panama, Costa Rica and Spain.

Fabio has extensive experience in training and development, cultural transformation, coaching, sales, business development, start-ups and general management.

With a degree in Business Administration and a postgraduate degree in Business Management from INSPER, Fabio has developed strong skills in administration, human resources and financial matters. He is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English, and has knowledge of KAIZEN and PDCA tools.

Among his qualifications, Fabio is certified as a Professional Business, Executive and Life Coach by the International Coaching Community (ICC) - Lambent, as a Professional Trainer, NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner by the SBPNL (Brazilian Society of NLP / Brazilian Society of Neurolinguistic Programming), as Behavioral Analyst - DISC & Motivators by TTI Success Insights Brasil and has mentorship certified by the Creative Learning Institute.

He also holds Exponential Organization Fundamentals Tools Certification by OPENEXO, INNER GAME Fundamentals & Tools by The INNER GAME International School-by Timothy Gallwey, Extreme Property, MUSTER 006, Echelon Front and Leadership training by US Navy Seals, Army Veterans and Marine Corps.

Passionate about People, Culture and Leadership, his motto is “If you are human, we are not better than each other, but we can improve together!”.

Read more about our organizational culture change experts here or view some of our client testimonials here